Hair Transplantation


The process of transplanting healthy hair follicles by microsurgical methods to the areas where the hair follicle is not active and hair loss has occurred is called ‘Hair Transplantation’. Hair transplantation is a completely personalized procedure. The goal is to make the scalp appear totally natural, in such a way that it looks as if no hair transplantation has been performed.

With this operation, hair follicles resistant to shedding and found in the back of the head, where the hair is densest, are collected and planted in places where the hair is sparse. These hair follicles are called ‘grafts’. Healthy hair on the back and the sides of the head is used for this purpose. Other factors that affect the result of the procedure are the hair color, the texture of the hair and having wavy or bushy hair. Channels are opened in the area where hair transplantation will take place, taking into account the direction of hair growth, exit angle of the hair and density of the hair. The roots taken are placed in these canals one by one through meticulous and sensitive work.

The process can take 6 to 8 hours depending on the amount of hair loss. Several sessions may be required determined by the width of the balding area. The procedure is applied under sedation and local anesthesia. A special bandage is placed on the head after hair transplantation. The person can be discharged 1-2 hours after the procedure. Only rarely do pain relievers have to be used afterwards.

The transplanted hair sheds a few weeks after the procedure. However, this is only natural. The shedded hair grows again after 3-4 months. Transplanted hair follicles preserve their character and are permanent. However, the original hair in the same area continues to fall out. Therefore, it may be necessary to plan a new hair transplant for the problematic area.

We use the ‘Follicular Unit Extraction’ (FUE) method, which does not leave any traces in hair transplantation. With the FUE hair removal method, hair follicles are taken one by one, with the help of a specially developed micromotor or extraction needle as small as 0.5 – 0.9 mm and placed in the areas concerned.

Follicular Unit Extraction’ (FUE) method